The immense capability of Microsoft Power BI combined with Geo-Spatial services (GIS), and some super-interactive user thrown in: What does it have for you? Whether you are a business, a state department, a hospital administration, a law enforcement agency, a service provider, or just about anybody, you will be equipped with insightful and highly interactive dashboards. It will help you have greater control of your respective areas of activity and address concerns, ever-so-proactively.
Microsoft Power BI can be employed effectively in various walks of life such as law enforcement, insurance, , energy, manufacturing, social networks (sentiment analysis), life sciences, agriculture, sports, education, hospitality, elections, entertainment, etc.
Let’s look at some case studies (arrived at with the help of sample data) that showcase some of the best uses of MS Power BI.
As in the case of most modern technologies, Power BI is also likely to be embraced whole-heartedly by law enforcement agencies are benefiting immensely from big-data analytics and other technological innovations.
Power BI dashboards can be used very effectively to get insights into aspects such as the deployment of personnel at critical locations during specific periods of the year by plotting various parameters such as types of crime, incidences, crime patterns, etc.
Sample Dashboards for UK Crime Spotting (Using public data):
These visualizations provide a 360-degree view of crimes that took place in terms of type and the last outcome (the latest status) of each reported crime. Thus helping the local police with additional guidance to deploy their forces to prevent crimes.
This interactive dashboard has the following key depictions:
This interactive dashboard has the following key depictions:
This interactive dashboard has the following key depictions:
This interactive dashboard has the following key depictions:
(Data Source:
2. US healthcare providers’ competitor analysis
MS Power BI can help health-care providers / hospital managements to compare the hospital’s financial performance with its competitors, based on patient population.
This interactive dashboard has the following key depictions:
(Data Source:
3. Florida Health Insurance Dashboard
MS Power BI can help insurance agencies with the power to visualize financial performance of policies (based on policy type wise claims) and much more.
This interactive dashboard has the following key depictions:
(Data Source:
4. US Energy Generation Dashboards
Administrators and various stake-holders related to the energy sector can quickly visualize the energy generation as well as consumption patterns of various states/region/cities to achieve effective and dynamic energy management.
These visualizations provide a quick view of state-wise generation of energy (in Mega Watts) in terms of various energy sources such as coal, nuclear, natural gas, petroleum, wind, etc.
This interactive dashboard has the following key depictions:
(Data Source:
Do check out the capabilities of MS Power BI through these sample dashboards created by the MSRCosmos Power BI team. Watch out for more in this space – very detailed use-cases and their clear cut benefits.
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